Dr. Saint-Maurice is a research scientist at the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal and his work focus on the applications of wearables to advance our understanding of the benefits of physical activity, sleep, and other lifestyle determinants of circadian rhythms for health. Dr. Saint-Maurice research explores the use of wearable data to better quantify energy expenditure associated with physical activity, measuring sleep, and exposure to artificial light and how these measures can be used to understand how lifestyle behaviors can prevent chronic diseases. He has published over a 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including a first-author paper in JAMA and JAMA Internal Medicine where he led projects with significant public health importance. Dr. Saint-Maurice has been invited to give oral presentations at national and international scientific meetings and received several awards, including the DCEG Fellowship Achievement Award (2018) at the National Institutes of Health which awards postdoctoral fellows for their research contributions to the National Cancer Institute’s intramural program. Just recently, he was invited to be part of an invited panel to participate in the development of the next 2028 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. He is also the vice-President of the International Society for Diet and Activity Methods, an associated editor for the American College of Sports Medicine flag journal – Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, and an associate editor of the Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behavior that publishes research on the development and application of wearable technologies in clinical and epidemiologic studies. His work has also captured the interest of several media outlets, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, and Forbes.
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